Моды майнкрафт 1.8 advanced solar panels.

Данный аддон для популярного мода добавляет в игру более эффективные солнечные генераторы. В файле конфигурации можно выбрать один из 2 режимов : простой и сложный (более требовательный к ресурсам).

Продвинутая солнечная панель

Генерация: 8 еЭ днём, 1 еЭ ночью и во время осадок
Вместимость: 32 000 еЭ
Выход: 32 еЭ
Ячейки для зарядки: 4


В обычном режиме:

В сложном режиме:
Для начала изготовьте излучающий уран:

Затем излучающие стеклянные панели:

И только потом солнечный генератор:

Гибридная солнечная панель

Генерация: 64 еЭ днём, 8 – ночью и во время осадок
Вместимость: 100 000 еЭ
Выход: 128 еЭ
Ячейки для зарядки: 4


В обычном режиме вам понадобится саннарий:

Он используется в крафте панели:

В сложном режиме используется обогащенный саннарий:

Просто используйте его в рецепте:

Совершенная гибридная солнечная панель

Генерация: 512 еЭ днём, 64 еЭ ночью и во время осадок
Вместимость: 1 000 000 еЭ
Выход: 512 еЭ
Ячейки для зарядки: 4

За многие годы исследований в области квантовой физики, были открыты новые свойства иридия. Если использовать его вместе с саннарием, эффективность трансформации солнечной энергии повышается в 8 раз, а трансформации из слабых источников света – в 6 раз!!! Мы представляем вам лучшую модель солнечного генератора, основанного на гибридном материале!

Доступно 2 способа крафта:

Изготовление саннариевого сплава:

И использование его в рецепте:

Или соединение 8 гибридных панелей:

В сложном режиме вам понадобится обогащенный саннариевый сплав:

Именно его надо использовать в следующем рецепте:

Теперь аддон можно полностью настроить под себя! Показатели каждого генератора доступны для редактирования в файле конфигурации. Вы сможете сбалансировать мод на своё усмотрение и отключить рецепты, которые вас не интересуют.

Интерфейс новых солнечных панелей:

Квантовый генератор

Это высшее достижение квантовой физики, дошедшее до нас благодаря внеземной цивилизации. Наши исследователи до сих пор не могут воссоздать подобную технологию. Квантовый генератор предназначен специально для авторов карт и администраторов сервера. Он предоставляет им бесконечную энергию с возможностью настройки выходного напряжения. Отключить генератор можно, проведя к нему красный сигнал.

Изменяя свойства механизма, зажмите левый Shift, для увеличения числовых значений в 100 раз.

Интерфейс квантового генератора

Advanced Solar Panels Addon for Minecraft 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4/1.6.2/1.5.2

Compatible with Industrial Craft 2

Introduction Advanced Solar Panels Addon: This Addon have 2 sets of recipes: “Normal” mode and “Hard” mode.

Advanced Solar Panel

Generate: 8 eu day, 1 eu night and rainy days.
Internal storage: 32 000 eu
Output: 32 eu

In normal mode crafting recipe is:

In hard mode crafting recipe is:
First we need craft Irradiant Uranium:

Next craft Irradiant Glass Pane:

And now we craft Advanced Solar Panel:

Hybrid Solar Panel

Generate: 64 eu day, 8 eu night and rainy days.
Internal storage: 100 000 eu
Output: 128 eu
Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric device simultaneously)

Firs we need craft new material – Sunnarium:

When we can make new panel:

In “Hard recipe mode” we need craft Enriched Sunnarium:

And next craft panel:

Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel

Generate: 512 eu day, 64 eu night and rainy days.
Internal storage: 1 000 000 eu
Output: 512 eu
Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric device simultaneously)
After many years of researches in the field of quantum physics our scientists have opened new properties of irridium. In a combination with Sunnarium efficiency of transformation of solar energy increases in 8 times, but there is more to come, transformation of light from weak sources grows already in 6 times!!! On the basis of a new hybrid material we represent ours TOP model of the solar panel. An energy output in day – 512 еу, at night and rainy days 64 еу!!!

Is 2 way for craft Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels:

First we need craft new Sunnarium Alloy:

Second we can craft panel:

And second way – combine 8 hybrid solar panels:

In “Hard recipe mode” we need craft Enriched Sunnarium Alloy:

And next we will create panel:

Now addon is absolutely configurable! You can change all specification (genDay, genNight, storage and etc) in config file. If you think that some panels is overpowered, you can disable craft recipe in config file !!!

Screenshot of Advanced Solar Panels GUI:

This is top tech of Quantum physics ! We are receive this gift from alien civilization. After many years of researches of reverse engineering we could not find way to reproduce this technology.
This top generator was created for “map makers” and “server admins” who need infinite customize power source (it’s no crafting recipe) ! Yea guys, is it’s fully customize ! You can change energy output and maximum packet size (for use with different cables) in GUI menu. Sample: we need make energy output 5120 eu and transfer it through “glass fiber cable”. Glass fiber cable accept only 512 eu. We need setup in Quantum Generator “Output” is 5120 and setup “max packet size” to 512. Now “Quantum generator” emits 10 packets with 512 eu in tick. You can transfer this EU through copper cables if you setup “max packet size” to 32 You can disable all generation through Redstone signal.

Advanced Solar Panels Mod 1.11.2 is a mod that has taken the game of minecraft to another level entirely. This is a mod which guarantees nothing short of fun and excitement for every minecraft player that makes use of it. Just as the name implies; it is a mod that brings in additional solar panels for .

The additions of this mod are so great that you will definitely be wondering what took you this long to discover of its existence. Some of its additions are: Hybrid Solar Panel, Quantum Solar Panel, Quantum Generator, Solar Helmets and others. The truth about this mod is that you are limitless with the options and additions that it provides you with. You will be yearning for more once you try it out today.

Quantum Solar Panel
Generate: 4096 EU day, 2048 EU night and rainy days.
Internal storage: 10 000 000 EU
Output: 8192 EU
Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric device simultaneously)

Some of Its Features

Advanced Solar Panels is a technological related mod that you have never come across before in the game of minecraft. Such level of uniqueness is greatly demonstrated in its features. Some of them will be listed below.

  • Through its solar helmets, every item in inventory can be effectively charged.
  • It is an upgrade to the popular industrial craft
  • It allows the charging of devices on a simultaneous basis.

Advanced Solar Panels Mod 1.11.2 Installation

This guide will explain how to install Advanced Solar Panels Mod for Minecraft 1.11, 1.11.2 and older versions. All download links can be find below.

  1. Update you Minecraft for the mod version.
  2. Download and install .
  3. Download the Advanced Solar Panels file.
  4. Open the Mods folder, for that go in Start and Run : %appdata%.minecraft/mods .
  5. Drag the downloaded Advanced-Solar-Panels-x.x.x.jar into the “mods” folder.
  6. Open your and make sure to use the profile the forge api created.

Note: If you are still having problems to download or install the file, do not hesitate to ask for help in the comments below, we will respond in less than 24 hours.

Download Advanced Solar Panels Mod for Minecraft

“All Mods on this site are posted on third party sites, or were not hosted by us, we keep the original download link created by the creator of mods, follow the download link below. If the version that you want to download is not listed in the download links below, visit the official Advanced Solar Panels Mod Official Thread . If you were still not able to find the right version for you, please leave us a comment and we will be providing the download link.”

Generate: 8 eu day, 1 eu night and rainy days.
Internal storage: 32 000 eu
Output: 32 eu

Crafting recipe:

In normal mode crafting recipe is:

In hard mode crafting recipe is:
First we need craft Irradiant Uranium:

Next craft Irradiant Glass Pane:

And now we craft Advanced Solar Panel:

Generate: 64 eu day, 8 eu night and rainy days.
Internal storage: 100 000 eu
Output: 128 eu
Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric device simultaneously)

Crafting recipe:

Firs we need craft new material – Sunnarium:

When we can make new panel:

In “Hard recipe mode” we need craft Enriched Sunnarium:

And next craft panel:

Generate: 512 eu day, 64 eu night and rainy days.
Internal storage: 1 000 000 eu
Output: 512 eu
Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric device simultaneously)
After many years of researches in the field of quantum physics our scientists have opened new properties of irridium. In a combination with Sunnarium efficiency of transformation of solar energy increases in 8 times, but there is more to come, transformation of light from weak sources grows already in 6 times!!! On the basis of a new hybrid material we represent ours TOP model of the solar panel. An energy output in day – 512 еу, at night and rainy days 64 еу!!!

Crafting recipe:

Is 2 way for craft Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels:

First we need craft new Sunnarium Alloy:

Second we can craft panel:

And second way – combine 8 hybrid solar panels:

In “Hard recipe mode” we need craft Enriched Sunnarium Alloy:

And next we will create panel:

Now addon is absolutely configurable! You can change all specification (genDay, genNight, storage and etc) in config file. If you think that some panels is overpowered, you can disable craft recipe in config file !!!

Screenshot of Advanced Solar Panels GUI:

This is top tech of Quantum physics ! We are receive this gift from alien civilization. After many years of researches of reverse engineering we could not find way to reproduce this technology.
This top generator was created for “map makers” and “server admins” who need infinite customize power source (it’s no crafting recipe) ! Yea guys, is it’s fully customize ! You can change energy output and maximum packet size (for use with different cables) in GUI menu. Sample: we need make energy output 5120 eu and transfer it through “glass fiber cable”. Glass fiber cable accept only 512 eu. We need setup in Quantum Generator “Output” is 5120 and setup “max packet size” to 512. Now “Quantum generator” emits 10 packets with 512 eu in tick. You can transfer this EU through copper cables if you setup “max packet size” to 32 You can disable all generation through Redstone signal.

Also if you press “Left Shift” and click on buttons all values = x 100;

Quantum generator GUI

Bonus recipe DoubleSlab for more convenience of construction:

-> Can charge all electric items in Inventory (charging algorithm: first charge armor, second others items in inventory)
-> Advanced Solar Helmet, based at nano helmet ! (generate same as Advanced Solar Panel)
-> Hybrid Solar Helmet, based at quantum helmet (Generate same as Hybrid Solar Panel)
-> Ultimate Solar Helmet, based at quantum helmet (Generate same as Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel)
-> Only 1 special ability of quantum helmet – underwater supply. Other abilities is off because solar panel replace this modules